
Parents can view a comprehensive list of Policies and Procedures on enrolment and these are always available to view in the nursery anytime.

Safeguarding Policy

Safeguarding children is the action we take to promote the welfare of children and protect them from harm. Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. Every single person who comes into contact with children and families has a role to play.

Child protection is part of the safeguarding process. It focuses on protecting individual children identified as suffering or likely to suffer ‘significant harm’.

If we suspect that a child may have been abused, we are required, as part of the local child protection procedures, to report our concerns to the Families Rock Request for Support Hub immediately.

If an allegation of abuse is made about any member of staff at Little George’s Nursery, the DSL would contact LADO and Ofsted.

In the event of a serious accident or death of a child, we are also obliged to report these to Blackpool Children’s Services,  Ofsted and Riddor.

Mobile phone policy – the use of mobile phones is prohibited within the setting, play room/garden, by all visitors and nursery staff.

We also have a duty to help parents keep children safe Online.

We  also have regard for the Prevent Duty policy.

Behaviour Policy

By providing a happy, safe environment, the children in our care will be encouraged to develop social skills to help them be accepted and welcomed into society as they grow up.

We strive to promote positive behaviour and will offer positive words of praise at every opportunity, model positive body language and facial expressions, good manners, waiting and taking turns, encouraging children to repeat the good behaviour including sharing, listening and sitting skills.

We believe that a positive approach works much better than a system of rules and punishments and we will respond positively to children who constantly seek attention or are disruptive.  We understand that a child’s behaviour can change when their basic needs are not being met, including feeling unwell, hungry, tired or events at home. We expect parents to inform us of any changes in the child’s home circumstances, care arrangements or any other change which may affect the child’s behaviour such as a new baby, parents’ separation, divorce, new partner or any bereavement.  We will discuss with parents and keep them informed at the end of each day of any new targets or strategies that we may be using.  All information shared will be kept confidential unless there appears to be a child protection issue.

Biting, hitting, nipping and kicking can be very stressful for everyone involved.  All children go through developmental stages of behaviour which will be dealt with depending on their age and stage of development.

Our days are planned daily to allow the children to choose the activities which they are interested in.  Through observations we can monitor behaviour patterns and can discuss these with parents. A consistent approach benefits the child’s welfare and helps ensure that the child is not confused. Through training the nursery staff can identify if additional support is required and will seek guidance from Blackpool Area Senco and Behaviour Co-ordinator.

CCTV Policy

The nursery premises are protected by 5 exterior CCTV cameras.

The purpose of the CCTV system is for the security of the premises, the prevention, detection and investigation of criminal activity, trespass and vandalism and the safety of children, staff and visitors to the site.  It is not used to monitor children or staff.

Confidentiality Policy

All information about families registered at LGNS will be kept confidential and information shared and stored in line with GDPR policy and procedures.

Complaints Policy

Parents will have the opportunity to read  our policy and procedures file within the nursery during pre-visits and this file is always available to view at any other time.

If there is any aspect of our service that you are not happy with, please bring it to our attention and every effort will be made to resolve the issue through frank and open discussion.

If for any reason you feel the need to complain officially, please put it in writing to the nursery manager and proprietors, who will notify you within 28 days of the outcome of the investigation.

We will always be transparent about our procedures and daily events and we will notify LADO and Ofsted as required.

You may raise your concerns with Ofsted on 0300 123 1231